Search Results for "brehm center"


Artful Leadership

Jennifer Ackerman

As pastors and leaders in the church, we’re most effective when we ourselves are continually growing spiritually while refining the skills needed to shepherd the communities that have been entrusted to us. Leadership development resources are abundant, but what if we look for wisdom in a different place? For centuries,...


The Arts in Worship

David Taylor

As an artist, pastor, Christian, or even just as a human in this world, we have all noticed the powerful impact the arts can have on us personally; but it’s also not too difficult to see how integral art is in each of our communities and churches. Is the creative...


The Vocation of an Artist

David Taylor

Have you ever felt lost in your calling as an artist? Or have you wondered how or even why God cares to call artists in his world and to his mission work? In this Vocation of an Artist course, you will rediscover your belovedness in God and his plan and...


Nurturing Your God-Given Creativity

Brehm Center

Creativity is not reserved for just a few talented people. It’s built into each one of us as a reflection of the Creator God. This Nurturing Your God-Given Creativity course invites you to explore and experiment with your unique creative gifts, manifested in all sorts of places: at home in...


Partnering in the New Creation

Brehm Center

Building on the ideas and practices explored in Nurturing Your God-Given Creativity, this Partnering in New Creation course encourages you to understand the importance of the physical in our world, and to value God's sanctification of all of your senses—not just your mind and heart. You’ll learn from artists who...