Wading through the Deep: Introduction to Biblical Studies

Developed with the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith International (PCAFI), Wading through the Deep: Introduction to Biblical Studies is the fourth course of the PCAFI Advanced Leadership Certificate Program. Learn to to uncover the central themes, literary forms, interpretation, and practical application of the Bible.

Takes approximately 15 hours to complete.


Training more than one person?


Bible, Church, Faith & Everyday Life, Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Practices, and Thinking Theologically

Course Description

This course, Wading through the Deep: Introduction to Biblical Studies, provides learners with the resources to uncover the central themes, literary forms, interpretation, and practical application of the Bible.

This is a part of the PCAFI Advanced Leadership Certificate Program

Attention all PCAFI members: PCAFI is a preferred partner with Fuller Seminary.
Please email
executiveoffice@pcafintl.org for a discount code to use when ordering this course.

If you want to see a preview of this course, check it out here!

Wading through the Deep: Introduction to Biblical Studies: Preview

Meet Your Instructors

Quonekuia A. Day

Professor Quonekuia A. Day is a full-time instructor of Old Testament & Biblical Hebrew at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and an adjunct instructor at Meachum School of Haymanot. Professor Day has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Emmanuel College, a Master of Social Work from Boston University, a Master of Divinity, and a Master of Theology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Her expected completion date of her PhD in Old Testament from North West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa, is in the fall of 2023.

As an instructor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, she has taught courses in Old Testament (OT) Survey, Genesis, Exodus, Interpreting the OT/NT, and Hebrew language. In addition, Professor Day is a public speaker specializing in Old Testament and Sexuality. She has conducted numerous seminars and workshops on the Old Testament, sexuality, mental wellness, conflict resolution, and leadership development.

She has participated in two documentaries, “Unspokenmovie.com,” streamed over 200,000 times, and the AND Campaign “How I Got Over” docuseries on YouTube. Professor Day is an ordained minister with the Church of God in Cleveland, Tennessee. She has over 30 years of ministry experience as a teacher, counselor, preacher, and outreach/formation minister. Professor Day serves as the director of Ministerial Care and Development at Deliverance Temple Worship Center, Dorchester, MA.

Fuller & PCAFI

Fuller Seminary is an evangelical, multidenominational graduate institution committed to forming global leaders for kingdom vocations. Responding to changes in the church and world, Fuller is transforming the seminary experience for both traditional students and those beyond the classroom: providing theological formation that helps Christ-followers serve as faithful, courageous, innovative, collaborative, and fruitful leaders in all of life, in any setting.

The Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith International (PCAFI) was founded by Bishop Samuel N. Hancock in 1957 and officially incorporated on November 20, 1957. Established from its inception as a Oneness Pentecostal organization practicing baptism by full water immersion, the group sought to create an organization that stood for the highest standards of holiness. It is one of twelve major organizations born from the womb of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World between 1919 and 1960. Today, with churches across the globe, the PCAFI remains committed to its trademark of spiritual excellence and integrity on behalf of the Apostolic faith. Bishop Lambert W. Gates, Sr. is the current presiding bishop.

What is a FULLER Equip course?

The FULLER Equip courses are designed with the goal of providing a comprehensive education in the study of Scripture and its practical applications to life, work, and the advancement of God's kingdom.

These courses are specifically tailored to meet the needs of learners around the world, offering a global perspective on the study of Scripture and its relevance to everyday life.

Whether you are looking to deepen your personal understanding of Scripture, or seeking to apply its principles to your professional life or ministry, FULLER Equip courses offer a wide range of resources and tools to help you achieve your goals.

From online lectures and interactive discussions to practical assignments and case studies, these courses are designed to engage learners at all levels and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. So whether you are a beginner or an experienced student of Scripture, FULLER Equip courses have something to offer everyone.

100% Online

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Flexible Learning

Empower your learning journey with our flexible approach.


Take control of your learning and explore at your own pace, with support and guidance from expert instructors.

About FULLER Equip

FULLER Equip is an extension of Fuller Theological Seminary. It offers non-degree courses, professional certificate programs, training services, and research to help individuals and organizations advance the kingdom of God. FULLER Equip provides courses covering theology, leadership, counseling, and more. Professional certificate programs offer specialized study. Equip also offers training services such as customized workshops and coaching. Lastly, Equip conducts research and engages in strategic partnerships to innovate Christian ministry and service.

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