Old Testament (blank)

The World of the Old Testament


The World of the Old Testament certificate program is intended to help you identify elements of God’s character in the work of interpreting and translating the Old Testament text. In this certificate, you’ll encounter 8 courses that will help you identify the overall archetype (Story, Teaching, and/or Worship) in each of the Old Testament books. You’ll learn the backdrop of Israel and Judah’s history and how it affects how we read the text. Lastly, you’ll consider how God’s compassion and hope for the nations in the Old Testament point toward the coming Messiah in the New Testament. Ultimately, this certificate will serve as a master guide toward enjoying and interpreting the Old Testament while offering the opportunity to practice some basic translation of both Old Testament narrative and poetry in the Final Project.

Certificate Learning Objectives 

  1. Describe key events of Old Testament history as it relates to Israel and Judah
  2. Identify the overall archetype (Story, Teaching, or Worship) of each Old Testament book and explain the basic characteristics of each
  3. Analyze Old Testament books for major narrative elements and explain how it foreshadows the coming Messiah in Jesus
  4. Incorporate the above aspects into your personal devotional time in Bible study

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