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Leadership in a Changing World

In this course, learn about leadership in a changing world and how to be a more effective leader in your organization with practical steps and reflection.

Takes approximately 14 hours to complete.


Training more than one person?


Calling & Vocation, Church, Faith & Work, Ministry Leadership, and Work

Course Description

This Leadership in a Changing World guide, which works as a companion to Canoeing the Mountains, covers key points in Tod Bolsinger’s book about adaptive leadership and change. In it, you’ll learn about the changing landscape the Church finds itself in and what that means for your leadership. Join us in learning how to adapt to this changing world and be a more effective leader in your organization with practical steps and times of reflection to help you on your way.

Meet Your Instructors

Tod Bolsinger

Tod Bolsinger (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is a speaker, executive coach, former pastor, and author who serves as associate professor of leadership formation and senior fellow for the De Pree Center for Leadership at Fuller Seminary. He is the author of Canoeing the Mountains, which was named Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year in Pastoral Leadership, as well as the Christianity Today Award of Merit recipient It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian. For seventeen years, he was the senior pastor of San Clemente Presbyterian Church in San Clemente, California. A frequent speaker and consultant, he serves as an executive coach in transformational leadership.

托德·博辛格(富勒神學院博士)是一位演說家、高管教練、作家、並擔任過牧師,是富勒神學院德普雷領導力中心(De Pree Center for Leadership)領導力塑造副教授和資深研究員。

他是《 划行木舟越山嶺》(Canoeing the Mountains)一書的作者,該書被《外展雜誌》(Outreach Magazine)評為教牧領導力年度最佳資源,他的著作《培育一個基督徒需要全教會之力》(It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian)榮獲《今日基督教》(Christianity Today)優異獎。他曾擔任加州聖克萊門特長老教會的主任牧師十七年。他經常出席演講和擔任顧問,是一位變革型領導的高管教練。

托德·博辛格(富勒神学院博士)是一位演说家、高管教练、作家、并担任过牧师,是富勒神学院德普雷领导力中心(De Pree Center for Leadership)领导力塑造副教授和资深研究员。

他是《 划行木舟越山岭》( Canoeing the Mountains )一书的作者,该书被《外展杂志》( Outreach Magazine )评为教牧领导力年度最佳资源,他的著作《培育一个基督徒需要全教会之力》( It Takes a Church to Raise a Christian )荣获《今日基督教》( Christianity Today )优异奖。他曾担任加州圣克莱门特长老教会的主任牧师十七年。他经常出席演讲和担任顾问,是一位变革型领导的高管教练。

What is a FULLER Equip course?

The FULLER Equip courses are designed with the goal of providing a comprehensive education in the study of Scripture and its practical applications to life, work, and the advancement of God's kingdom.

These courses are specifically tailored to meet the needs of learners around the world, offering a global perspective on the study of Scripture and its relevance to everyday life.

Whether you are looking to deepen your personal understanding of Scripture, or seeking to apply its principles to your professional life or ministry, FULLER Equip courses offer a wide range of resources and tools to help you achieve your goals.

From online lectures and interactive discussions to practical assignments and case studies, these courses are designed to engage learners at all levels and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. So whether you are a beginner or an experienced student of Scripture, FULLER Equip courses have something to offer everyone.

100% Online

Begin your learning right away and tailor your schedule to your individual needs.

Flexible Learning

Empower your learning journey with our flexible approach.


Take control of your learning and explore at your own pace, with support and guidance from expert instructors.

About FULLER Equip

FULLER Equip is an extension of Fuller Theological Seminary. It offers non-degree courses, professional certificate programs, training services, and research to help individuals and organizations advance the kingdom of God. FULLER Equip provides courses covering theology, leadership, counseling, and more. Professional certificate programs offer specialized study. Equip also offers training services such as customized workshops and coaching. Lastly, Equip conducts research and engages in strategic partnerships to innovate Christian ministry and service.

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