Leadership Vows: What Can People Expect From You?
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“What promises are you making?” It’s one of Max De Pree’s favorite questions of leaders. What can people expect from you? I must admit it’s easy to focus my expectations on others, rather than on myself. For that reason alone, Max’s question is worth asking regularly. Even when we examine ourselves, it’s easy to think of accountability merely in terms of the results for which we are responsible. Results are important, of course. But the greater challenge lies in looking within ourselves. What are we promising about the kind of leaders we will be?
The devotions in this guide, which are based on the De Pree Center’s Life for Leaders devotionals and written by Contributing Writer, Uli Chi, considers these questions. He explores how leadership vows are means for us to express our most solemn promises and our desire for accountability. This Life for Leaders devotional guide will help you consider how leadership vows will impact your work, faith, and life.
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