Joining God’s Mission (Cohort Experience)
One of the biggest challenges for church planters is developing a vision for what God is doing in your context and how your team will join in on mission. In this cohort course, instructor Charlie Cotherman will guide you through the online content where you will learn to rediscover the mission of God, read scripture missionally, and develop a strong understanding of the Church as a missional body. Then, he’ll help you strengthen competencies around joining God’s mission in your city, discovering your own sense of call, and finally, articulating your church’s mission and vision statement.
As part of this course, you will submit a workbook in order to get real feedback on your reflections. You will also participate in live cohort calls with the director of the Fuller Church Planting Initiative, Len Tang, who will help you make sense of the course material in community.
If you’re ready to develop a strong sense of mission that will give direction to your new church, register for this cohort before the deadline so you can be part of the cohort experience.