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Crafting Effective Speeches

In this Crafting Effective Speeches course, we’ll break down the basics of developing a strong speech or sermon, from brainstorming through performance.

Takes approximately 20 hours to complete.


Training more than one person?


Art & Creativity, Church, Faith & Everyday Life, Ministry Leadership, Thinking Theologically, and Worship

Course Description

Public speaking is an important component of ministry, but it can feel like the most intimidating part! In this Crafting Effective Speeches course, we’ll break down the basics of developing a strong speech or sermon, from brainstorming through performance. We’ll examine how to use stories and Scripture effectively to move, engage, and excite your audience. We will practice and apply these techniques, specifically addressing how to articulate ideas and vision, how to develop a tool chest for effective communication, and how to understand and use the power of language.

This course counts towards the Ministry Essentials Certificate.

If you want to see a preview of this course, check it out here!

Crafting Effective Speeches: Preview

Meet Your Instructors

Lisa Lamb

Lisa Lamb has taught preaching at Fuller Seminary since 2007, initially as an adjunct professor, and since 2017 as visiting assistant professor of preaching. She has taught at every regional campus, in Pasadena, and online. Dr. Lamb began proclaiming the gospel as a campus staff worker with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, first at UC Santa Cruz and then at Harvard University, later supervising staff in the city of Boston. An ordained minister with the Presbyterian Church (USA), she has pastored in four congregational settings throughout the San Gabriel Valley.

麗莎·蘭姆(Lisa Lamb)從2007年至今,一直在富勒神學院教授講道。她在加州大學聖塔克魯茲分校和哈佛大學的美國校園團契作為校園同工,開始傳播福音,然後在波士頓擔任同工主管。她是美國長老教會(PCUSA)的按立牧師,曾在聖蓋博谷的四個教會牧會。她目前擔任富勒和她所牧養群體的新興帶領人的導師。

丽莎·兰姆(Lisa Lamb )从2007年至今,一直在富勒神学院教授讲道。她在加州大学圣塔克鲁兹分校和哈佛大学的美国校园团契作为校园同工,开始传播福音,然后在波士顿担任同工主管。她是美国长老教会(PCUSA)的按立牧师,曾在圣盖博谷的四个教会牧会。她喜爱目前担任富勒和她所牧养群体的新兴带领人的导师。

What is a FULLER Equip course?

The FULLER Equip courses are designed with the goal of providing a comprehensive education in the study of Scripture and its practical applications to life, work, and the advancement of God's kingdom.

These courses are specifically tailored to meet the needs of learners around the world, offering a global perspective on the study of Scripture and its relevance to everyday life.

Whether you are looking to deepen your personal understanding of Scripture, or seeking to apply its principles to your professional life or ministry, FULLER Equip courses offer a wide range of resources and tools to help you achieve your goals.

From online lectures and interactive discussions to practical assignments and case studies, these courses are designed to engage learners at all levels and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. So whether you are a beginner or an experienced student of Scripture, FULLER Equip courses have something to offer everyone.

100% Online

Begin your learning right away and tailor your schedule to your individual needs.

Flexible Learning

Empower your learning journey with our flexible approach.


Take control of your learning and explore at your own pace, with support and guidance from expert instructors.

About FULLER Equip

FULLER Equip is an extension of Fuller Theological Seminary. It offers non-degree courses, professional certificate programs, training services, and research to help individuals and organizations advance the kingdom of God. FULLER Equip provides courses covering theology, leadership, counseling, and more. Professional certificate programs offer specialized study. Equip also offers training services such as customized workshops and coaching. Lastly, Equip conducts research and engages in strategic partnerships to innovate Christian ministry and service.

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