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A Survey of Old Testament Ethics

This Survey of Old Testament Ethics course explores how the Old Testament teaches us about how best to live our lives today.

Takes approximately 7 hours to complete.


Training more than one person?


Bible, Church, Faith & Everyday Life, Small Group Curriculum, and Thinking Theologically

Course Description

What could the Old Testament teach us about how best to live our lives? This is the central question of A Survey of Old Testament Ethics with Dr. John Goldingay.

Ethics is not merely about tricky situations or hot topics. Instead, ethics asks questions about what sort of people we are, how we think, what sort of things we do and don’t do, and how we ought to live our everyday lives. This Survey of Old Testament Ethics course is based on Dr. Goldingay’s recent book by InterVarsity Press, Old Testament Ethics: A Guided Tour, along with other independent writings from Dr. Goldingay. It features Goldingay’s own translation of the Old Testament and discussion questions for further reflection.

We estimate that this will take you 7 hours to complete (but not all in one sitting!).

Meet Your Instructors

John Goldingay

John Goldingay, who came to Fuller in 1997, is now Emeritus Professor of Old Testament and David Allan Hubbard Professor Emeritus of Old Testament. In Pasadena, he was also priest-in-charge of St. Barnabas Episcopal Church. He says, “For me, being a professor is a subset of being a pastor.” He was married to Ann for 43 years until she died in 2009. He is now married to Kathleen and they live in Oxford, England, where they enjoy walking along the Thames, sampling gastropubs, reading novels, and watching movies on Netflix.

葛丁桂博士於 1997 年來到富勒神學院,現任舊約教授和赫伯特 (David Allen Hubbard) 舊約講席榮休教授。他之前是英國諾丁漢聖約翰神學院 (St. John’s Theological College)的校長和舊約教授。多年來,他還擔任帕薩迪納 (Pasadena) 聖巴拿巴聖公會 (St. Barnabas Episcopal Church) 的牧師。葛丁桂博士說:「對我而言,教授工作是牧師的一部分。」他與安結婚 43 年,直到她於 2009 年去世。他現在與凱瑟琳結縭,兩人在爵士樂和其他社團都很有名。

葛丁桂博士于1997年来到富勒神学院,现任旧约教授和赫伯特(David Allan Hubbard) 旧约荣休教授。他之前是英国诺丁汉圣约翰神学院 (St. John’s Theological College) 的校长和旧约教授。多年来,他还担任帕萨迪纳圣巴拿巴圣公会教堂的主任牧师。葛丁桂博士 说:“对我来说,教授工作是牧师的一部分。” 他与安结婚 43 年,直到她于 2009 年去世。他现在和凯瑟琳结婚了,他们两个在爵士乐和其他俱乐部都很有名。

What is a FULLER Equip course?

The FULLER Equip courses are designed with the goal of providing a comprehensive education in the study of Scripture and its practical applications to life, work, and the advancement of God's kingdom.

These courses are specifically tailored to meet the needs of learners around the world, offering a global perspective on the study of Scripture and its relevance to everyday life.

Whether you are looking to deepen your personal understanding of Scripture, or seeking to apply its principles to your professional life or ministry, FULLER Equip courses offer a wide range of resources and tools to help you achieve your goals.

From online lectures and interactive discussions to practical assignments and case studies, these courses are designed to engage learners at all levels and equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed. So whether you are a beginner or an experienced student of Scripture, FULLER Equip courses have something to offer everyone.

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About FULLER Equip

FULLER Equip is an extension of Fuller Theological Seminary. It offers non-degree courses, professional certificate programs, training services, and research to help individuals and organizations advance the kingdom of God. FULLER Equip provides courses covering theology, leadership, counseling, and more. Professional certificate programs offer specialized study. Equip also offers training services such as customized workshops and coaching. Lastly, Equip conducts research and engages in strategic partnerships to innovate Christian ministry and service.

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