Course Description
- 巧妙應對「模棱兩可的資訊」, 以建設性的方式解決衝突。
- 運用四種領導力框架的策略,處理同等重要但相互矛盾的觀點所引發的衝突。
- 在您的環境中實施處理衝突絕對不可或缺的五項技能。
- 制定持續的職業發展計劃,不斷提高以建設性方式管理衝突的技能。
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About FULLER Equip
FULLER Equip is an extension of Fuller Theological Seminary. It offers non-degree courses, professional certificate programs, training services, and research to help individuals and organizations advance the kingdom of God. FULLER Equip provides courses covering theology, leadership, counseling, and more. Professional certificate programs offer specialized study. Equip also offers training services such as customized workshops and coaching. Lastly, Equip conducts research and engages in strategic partnerships to innovate Christian ministry and service.
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