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  Are you a pastor seeking support with addressing church division?

According to Barna Group, 40% of pastors feel unprepared for conflict, with 38% considering leaving full-time ministry due to current political divisions.**

At FULLER Equip, we aspire to help you strengthen your congregation and gain the confidence and tools to preach through conflict.

In this free downloadable PDF, you can find Bible verses that speak directly to the issue of conflict within the church body by addressing the heart of the issues: How does God define neighbor, value people, and call us to live? Reflect on and use these verses for reference as you learn to navigate these complex tensions with biblical grounding. 

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This free download was sourced from our Indivisible Church course. If you are interested in further support, you can explore the course here.

*Excerpt: What Pastors Wish They’d Been Prepared ForBarna Group. (2023, July 24).

**Pastors Share Top Reasons They’ve Considered Quitting Ministry in the Past YearBarna Group. (2023, August 16).

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